2001-02 ATJ Cast |

Kimberly, Taylor, Jim, Larry, Toro Twins, Courtney and Billi |
SEASON PREMIERE-In the permiere episode, six-year-old Ruby suffers separation anxiety during her first week of kindergarten
and won't let Cheryl leave the classroom. Jim boasts the situation just needs the emotionally strong heart of a dad. But
when he finds he doesn't have the willpower to leave Ruby at school in tears, and the teacher insists he leave, Jim comes
up with his own questionalbe solution. He transfers Ruby to a new school where he sits with her all day. To top it all off,
he keeps this a secret from Cheryl to protect his pride.
NO NOOKIE-Tired of rushing to have sex in whatever few moments they can spare, Cheryl arranges a romantic getaway to the Bahamas.
Dana will babysit the kids, leaving Cheryl and Jim free to rekindle their ramantic flame. Cheryl even convinces Jim to abstain
from sex for three weeks, until they get to the Bahamas. The trip falls apart, though, when Dana realizes that she cannot
babysit the kids due to a business trip.
Meanwhile, Andy builds a tree house for Gracie and Ruby, and gets a little carried away.
THE CAT CAME BACK-Cheryl is upset by the death of her cat, Mr. Feeney. She asks Jim to give the cat a proper burial, but
he sticks the cat in the freezer so he can watch a football game. Cheryl discovers the cat, and she is upset by Jim's insensitivity.
ANNIVERSARY-Jim persuades Dana to buy a gift for Cheryl for their tenth anniversary. Dana chooses a beautiful charm bracelet,
with little trinkets symbolizing the special moments in Jim and Cheryl's relationship. Cheryl loves the gift from Jim, until
she discovers that Dana was ther one who really bought it. She is upset that her husband doesn't know her well enough to
buy her a nice gift. Cheryl says that she'd like whatever Jim bought her, as long as it came from the heart.
Just to spite his wife, Jim comes home with a replacement gift - a giant-screen TV. To his surprise, Cheryl actually
loves the new gift.
UNRULY SPIRITS-Jim sneaks Gracie out for some Halloween trick or treating, though Cheryl has forbidden her to go, and Andy
is convinced he's being stalked by a former girlfriend whe hne receives a series of creepy phone calls and packages.
THE CRUSH-Jim sets Dana up with a guy so perfect that even Cheryl falls for him.
CHERYL'S OLD FLAME-When Andy decides Dana is responsible for his inferiority complex, he asks her to join him in his therapy
- but she falls for his therapist; Jim and Cheryl disagree about letting the kids to have their own TV: Jim admits to riding
his motorcycle, breaking a promise he'd made to Cheryl earlier: and Ruby innocently divulges a secret of Cheryl's, exposing
a broken promise of hers to Jim.
THE TURKEY BOWL-Jim can't tear himself away from Thanksgiving Day bowling tournament, though Cheryl and her guests anxiously
wait to start dinner.
ANDY'S GIRLFRIEND-Andy brings tension to dinner when he announces that, like his new girlfriend, Alicia, he's become a vegetarian.
Meanwhile Dana is frustrated when her dream date, a renowned physician, can't seem to commit to more than five minutes.
AN ACCORDING TO JIMNY CHRISTMAS-Cheryl is hurt when her mother gives Dana a cherished heirloom for Christmas, and Ruby and
Gracie think Andy, decked out as Santa, is the real thing.
THE BAD WORD-Cheryl leaves Jim in charge of their kids and some other kids who were there to play with the girls during a
Bears game. The next day, one of the kids mom calls Cheryl saying her daughter dame hame repeating a swearing she heard from
Jim. Cheryl aplolgizes for him and Jim is insulted that she always automatically takes the other person's side. Cheryl aplolgizes,
and not too later Grace repeats the wxact smae word. Jim decides to teach her not to repeat it by making her say it non stop
until she can't sau ot agaom. It works. Five days later, at Ruby's ballet presentation, she slips, falls and says the word,
unmasking Jim's guilt.
MODEL BEHAVIOR-When Ruby is hired for a cookie ad, Jim sees an opportunity for a lucrative modeling career for his daughter.
THE MONEY-Cheryl decides to go behind Jim's back and loan Andy $1,000 for a downpayment on a new condo.
BLOW-UP-When Cheryl has a revealing photo of herself taken as a Valentine gift to Jim, he proudly shows it to all his friends.
RACQUETBALL-When Cheryl reminds Jim that she beat him at racquetball years ago, he claims he was only letting her win to gain
her affections, so Cheryl challenges him to a no-holds-barred re-match.
UNDER PRESSURE-When Jim develops high blood pressure, Cheryl tries to create a stress-free environment.